Friday, September 13, 2013

Making Statements

I know in America, people don't usually give a fuck about what kind of message you're placing out into the world.  People get famous of having a big ass in a sex tape and you can go out an say awful things about a demographic without hurting your CD's sale.  We're a nation of terrible role models and no one really gives a shit enough to look up from their smartphone screen to see what's going on.  All I ask is that you take a moment to look at what people are actually saying and what messages they're promoting.  And what the fuck are some of these people doing with fame?  How the hell did we let these individuals become popular?  Talent less pieces of shit that can't sing, can't dance, can't act, or come up with a decent lyric or beat, but like cows to the slaughter, we line up and listen to their every word.  (Looking at you Kardashians, Miley Cyrus, and everyone else who's names escape me; you make me sick)
This is all I see when some twat is wearing one of those god awful 'just do it' shirts.  It's doubtful that Nike will get back to me on this t-shirt design.

It's not easy to coincide what you patronize and what you ethically agree with either.  Corporations bend us over the table to the extent that it's difficult to always buy things that are genuine, if they're genuine.  I understand that it's a struggle to go farm fresh, purchase locally, and support what you believe in.  It's expensive for one (unless we create a demand which will increase the supply and initially drive down the cost), and not always readily available, but it's the effort that really matters.  We're constantly destroying our ideals due to the concept that one person can't make a difference and what we fail to comprehend is that everything, an action, a thought, a revolution, must start with the idea of one and then spread to society.  The efforts of one snowballs and becomes something much more.

Unfortunately our need for immediate gratification isn't fulfilled, but with the true belief in such a concept shouldn't be constrained but a retaliative shackles of time.  Has everything become superficial to the extent where we only commit to actions for the vanity it provides?  Why should one's ambitions, one's actions, one's ideas, be limited to the provided path of something so fictional as the social norm?  Who gives a shit if other people aren't recycling, aren't committing random acts of kindness, aren't making an effort to socialize?  I that never meant that you shouldn't.  Stand up for yourself and have some self-respect (there's an idea that got lost awhile ago).  If the need to fit under the guidelines of what society, what the government, what the media deems to be 'normal', then what are you but dead inside?

I'm not saying it's easy.  I know it's not.  All I'm suggesting is that we need to stop being so passive about what's going on around us.  Media and industry have captured the consumer, we now create a demand in order to sell products.  Unplug yourself from this mindless bullshit and wake up!  This is your life and your time.  Pay attention to the man behind the curtain; give him the finger when he tells you to do something you don't agree with instead of accepting a percieved reality.  Create, socialize, think for once in your life, explore, question, learn, understand, love, enjoy.  There's are not mere words I'm describing, but the ideas behind them.  Live

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