Sunday, January 27, 2013

Media Vs. Gun Control

For those who don't know, there's quite a controversy on gun control state side.  Honestly, there always has been, but now I guess more people are giving a shit?  One school shooting too many I suppose.  The real problem that's being debated is the cause of all the violence.  Which wouldn't so hysterical if the American populous wasn't made of spiteful, conflict profiteering, war mongers. (It's all that keeps our economy afloat)  You have the conservative party blaming the film industry, claiming it influences the actions committed; while the liberals want to blame the availability of guns, claiming they commit the crimes.

Conservative scientists have analyzed the crime-scenes where guns have been the leading suspect, and, as usual, the results were inconclusive.  (Inconclusive: research discovered that would lead to loss of profit if published)
"Where these holes found on the corpse are quite similar to that which would be cause by the penetration of a bullet, there's no telling what the true nature of these sustained injuries are.  Given the facts that this person is most likely dead, the only thing we can be certain of is that this must have been god's will.  We true scientists don't like to rely on the conspiracy theories, that's how rumours like global warming and the carcinogenic properties of cigarettes get started."
-Preston Moneybags, conservative scientist

 So what is the cause of this violence according to the Conservative party?  Why, the media we consume of course.  The violent and pornographic nature of our programming breads unnatural thought patterns within our minds, specifically designed by liberal extremist terrorist organizations.  Without the influences of the media, the incredibly dull-nature and unimaginative minds of the individuals that create the conservative party would never be able to fathom the level of destruction which is portrayed in films, video games, and television.
"Frankly, I'm appalled by the level violence created by the Democrats.  The extortion and enslavement of third-world countries in order to provide cheap commerce is one thing, but suggesting and fabricating Christian terrorist organizations within our great nation is downright disgusting."
- Ethan Johnson, some American, after watching Red State.
 With the continuous creation of mass media, the American populous is distracted with such vile imagery, that they've been distracted from the humble traditional values once practiced; the torturing of nonbelievers, sexual harassment, and the extortion of the middle class.

I'm not crazy (which due to "crazy"'s rather subjective definition, doesn't mean too much), I'm well aware of the ever apparent destructive nature that humans inevitably have.  Let's not kid ourselves.  As a child, my parents attempted to shield me from that which was unpleasant and vile in nature, and they did a relatively good job of it for nearly a decade.  Unfortunately, it didn't do shit in the long run.  People's imagination creates the media which many complain about.  Being a child with a vivid imagination, despite having not seen such "sinister" programming, all of my doodles contained guns, blood, and/or items of other violent nature. (me and the school psychologist were pretty tight)

If one can imagine violence without medial exposure to it, wouldn't that conclude that perhaps it isn't films that are causing such tendencies?  The biggest problem is the overly destructive tendencies of the weapons really.  Stanley Milgram (if you've never taken a psyche course, just look it up) proved that most of us are capable to kill, but how directly linked we are to the death of another, affects how motivated we are to do so.

I don't like guns.  It's too easy, too impersonal; guns are boring and far too destructive for their own good.  Anyone can just shoot somebody; I mean so long as people are going to kill other people (which we are), I think they should at least work for it.  A little "bang-bang" doesn't quite capture what you're intentionally attempting to accomplish.  With a blade, you're at least making it a challenge and allowing your opponent to have a fighting chance.  It's so much more civilized.  Ironically, guns are just so much more barbaric.

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